Marching Lions Football Game Rules, Procedures and Expectations


  1. All Lewisville High School rules (including dress code) apply to all band functions.

  2. Please pay attention to announcements and items posted on the Band App regarding attire (uniform, summer uniform, spirit week theme, etc.)

  3. Like competitions, all football games are mandatory.

  4. Students will NOT be allowed to leave the stadium unless accompanied by an adult.  While in the stands, students will need to be signed out by a legal guardian

  5. Students must ask permission before leaving to use the restroom.  For an away game, we ask that students use the buddy-system.  No one will be allowed to loiter around the stadium.

  6. Only water is allowed in our stands area.  Please eat food and snacks away from the band section.  FOOD and INSTRUMENTS DO NOT MIX!!!!

  7. Parents are not allowed to bring food to students in the band section during the game.

  8. Band students must sit with their section.

  9. The band plays while our team is on DEFENSE (when the opposing team has the ball), Time outs, Quarter breaks, Half Time and Post-Game.  During these times, all cell phones need to be put away and students should be ready to play at all times.

  10. Unsportsmanlike behavior towards the fans, other bands or teams will not be tolerated.

  11. If a student experiences other non-band students and fans touching band equipment, they are to report this to the directors immediately.

  12. Marching Band students are the only ones allowed in the band section.  No additional friends.  We ask and highly encourage that family to sit behind or beside the band section.  Alumni band students “in good standings” are welcome to come and participate during Friday night games.

  13. Students will be given a 3rd Quarter break. Students are allowed to go to the AWAY side (Band Boosters) concession stands. Students are asked to walk the track around the scoreboard.

  14. Students not back by the 4th Quarter will lose 3rd Quarter privileges the next game.

  15. Students are expected to stay the entire game unless arrangements are made prior.

  16. Students must pick up any trash they leave behind in the stands.


  1. Call time for football games is 4:00.  Students arrive as if it were a normal rehearsal.

  2. 4:00 - 5:15: Rehearsal.  This may be inside, outside or both.  Closer to competition season, we will use the stadium for rehearsal.  Rehearsals may consist of Pep Tunes, Show Music or a combination of Both.

  3. 5:30: Supper is provided by the Band Booster Club

  4. 6:00: Change into uniform.  Whatever the case may be (summer uniform, spirit day, full uniform, etc.)

  5. 6:45: Line-up to march into the stadium.  This will be a single file line in score order. The band will march to the stadium to either a cadence or single snare tap.

  6. Students will need to take their cases with them.

  7. 7:15: Pre game announcements.  

  8. WHILE ON THE FIELD, STUDENTS ARE NOT TO TALK. Students are to stand at PARADE REST and wait for ATTENTION to be called.  This is part of the performance.  

  9. Students will perform the National Anthem then complete the tunnel in which the Fight Song will be played.

  10. The “show” is typically performed during half-time but occasionally after the game depending on the half-time schedule.

  11. Band students need to line up and walk back to the school as a band through a designated path…NOT THROUGH THE PARKING LOT.  One director will walk back with the students for building access.

  12. Everything (instruments, music, uniform, etc.) must be returned to the  band room after the game and stored neatly.  If Front Ensemble equipment is needed for a performance, all percussionists are required  to help each other put equipment back safely and neatly and cannot leave until all equipment is put away.  

  13. Students are dismissed when EVERYTHING is put up.