Up Coming Events
Up Coming Events
Saturday, 1st - CWEA Indoor @ Catawba Ridge
Monday, 3rd - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals
Tuesday, 4th - Jazz Band Rehearsals
Wednesday, 5th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals
Thursday, 6th - Jazz Band Rehearsals
Thursday, 6th-Saturday, 8th - SCMEA Conference
Monday, 10th - Spring Concert Band - Black History Program
Monday, 10th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals
Tuesday, 11th - LHS Jazz Band - Black History Program Performance
Tuesday, 11th - Jazz Band Rehearsals
Wednesday, 12th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals
Friday, 14th-Sunday, 16th - USC Honor Band Clinic
Monday, 17-Friday, 21st - INTERCESSION
Thursday, 20th - USC Jazz Festival
Friday, 21st-Saturday, 22nd - Region Band
Monday, 24th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 25th - Jazz Band Rehearsals
Wednesday, 26th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Thursday, 27th - Jazz Band Rehearsals
Saturday, 1st - SCBDA JPA (Middle and High School Jazz Bands)
Monday, 3rd - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 4th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal
Wednesday, 5th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Saturday, 8th - CWEA Indian Land (Guard and Percussion)
Monday, 10th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 11th - 6th Grade Concert @ 6:30
Wednesday, 12th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion RehearsalThursday, 13th
Saturday, 15th - CWEA Ninty-Six (Guard and Percussion)
Monday, 17th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 18th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal
Wednesday, 19th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Friday, 21st - CWEA Guard Championships
Saturday, 22nd - CWEA Rock Hill (Percussion)
Monday, 24th - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 25th - Middle School CPA @ Fort Mill
Tuesday, 25th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal
Wednesday, 26th - High School CPA @ Fort Mill
Monday, 31st - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Tuesday, 1st - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal
Wednesday, 2nd - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal
Saturday, 5th - CWEA Percussion Championships (Dorman)
Monday, 7th
Tuesday, 8th
Wednesday, 9th
Thursday, 10th
Friday, 11th
Saturday, 12th
Monday, 14th
Tuesday, 15th
Wednesday, 16th
Thursday, 17th - Carowinds 6th Grade
Friday, 18th
Saturday, 19th
Saturday, 26th - SCBDA Solo and Ensemble
Tuesday, 29th - Chester County Honor Band/Arts Showcase
May 1st-3rd - Universal Studios, Orlando Florida
May 6th - Teacher Appreciation (Jazz Band)
Lewisville Bands
Lewisville Bands offer an extensive and comprehensive band program.
Academic Band:
6th Grade Beginning Band
7th Grade Intermediate Band
8th Grade Concert Band
Middle School CPA Band (Honor Band)
High School Fall Concert Band
High School Spring Concert Band
Extracurricular Band:
Marching Lions
Indoor Percussion
Winter Guard
Middle School Jazz Band
High School Jazz Band (Blue Cat Jazz)
Brass Ensemble
Lewisville Bands are very active with the South Carolina Band Directors Association:
All-State/Region Band
Concert Performance Assessment
Jazz Performance Assessment
Solo and Ensemble Festival
Students are also given the opportunity to participate in university and college programs as well:
Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic
University of South Carolina Honor Band Clinic
University of South Carolina Girl’s Jazz Day
Limestone University Middle and High School Honor Band
University of Georgia Jan Fest
University of South Carolina Band Day (Marching)
Marching Band
*2021 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands; Best Colorguard
*2021 3rd Place - White Knoll Tournament of Bands
*2021 Blythewood Tournament - 3rd Place
*2021 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists
*2022 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands
*2022 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists
*2022 3rd Place C Phillip McIntyre Tournament of Bands
*2023 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands
*2023 2nd Place Overall - Fin Fest Tournament of Bands (2nd Place Guard, 2nd Place Percussion)
*2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists
*2024 Henry Laurens Invitational SUPERIOR Percussion and Guard
*2024 Carolina Forest Coastal Classic: 1st Place Overall, 1st Place Percussion, 1st Place Color Guard, 1st Place Music, 1st Place GE, 2nd Place Visual
Concert Band
*2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - High School Wind Ensemble - EXCELLENT rating
First High School-Only participants for a CPA Performance since 2011
*2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - Middle School Concert Band - EXCELLENT rating
*2023 Lewisville Wind Ensemble (7th-12th) - Music in the Parks Festival - Pigeon Forge, TN - Excellent rating, 2nd Place - High School Division
*2023 LMS and LHS Bands - Chester County Honor Band (Arts Showcase)
*2024 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - High School Wind Ensemble - EXCELLENT rating
*2024 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - Middle School Concert Band - EXCELLENT rating
*2024 Chester County Honor Band participants
Solo and Ensemble Festival
*Rayna Foster - SUPERIOR rating with Distinction (30/30) , Jessica McAulay - SUPERIOR rating (29/30), Brody Hinson - SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Abby Carter - SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Lewisville Chamber Ensemble - Large Ensemble (A Tindell, R Foster, A Cassels, A Etheredge, D Robinson, A Burris, P McWhirter, S Burris, K McBrayer, K Minard) -SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Kaylee Minard - SUPERIOR rating (27/30), Cassie Box - EXCELLENT RATING rating (24/30), Jessica McAulay and Cassie Box - EXCELLENT rating (23/30), Sam Crouch - EXCELLENT rating (23/30), Cassie Box and Lacie Levister - EXCELLENT rating (22/30), Kaylee Minard and Catie Carter - EXCELLENT rating (21/30)
Rayna Foster - clarinet solo - SUPERIOR rating *with Distinction Perfect Score (2 consecutive years), Brody Hinson - flute solo - SUPERIOR rating , Asher McCrorey - flute solo - SUPERIOR rating, Neely Simpson - clarinet solo - SUPERIOR rating , Ansley Cassels - alto saxophone solo - SUPERIOR rating, Kaylee Minard - marimba solo -SUPERIOR rating, Knox McBrayer & Ansley Cassels - mixed duet - SUPERIOR rating, Page McWhirter & Anna Burris - trumpet duet - SUPERIOR rating, Neely Simpson & Serina Sizemore - woodwind duet - EXCELLENT rating, [Ensemble 1]Brody Hinson, Abby Carter, Rayna Foster, Ryan Duffen, Devaughn Robinson, Amare Wilks, Jacob Duffen - SUPERIOR rating, [Ensemble 2] Rayna Foster, Alexus Tindell, Emily Hinson, Ashlynn Etheredge, Knox McBrayer, Ryan Duffen - EXCELLENT rating
Mixed Trio – Jayla Ledford, Viviana Thiele, Brooklyn Bright – excellent rating, Duet – Nolan Pace and Tyler Pace – excellent rating (half a point away from a superior), Solo – Annabella Carr – superior rating, Solo – Kensey King - superior rating, Solo – Melody Yon - superior rating, Solo – Bre Schaffer - superior rating, Solo – Amelia Peoples - superior rating, Mixed Large Ensemble – Amelia Peoples, Bre Schaffer, Kensey King, Brooklyn Osborne, Charlie Sims, Caliapi Thiele, Zion Price, Carson Jackson - superior rating, Mixed Trio – Madison Garcia, Melody Yon, Saria Lewis - superior rating, Solo – Anna Burris - superior rating, Brass Quartet – Xavier Windham, Tyler Sloop, Sullivan Shive, Fenix Rivers – excellent rating
Region Band
Margo Jackson (All-State callback), trumpet, 12th Grade, Knox McBrayer (All-State callback), trombone, 7th Grade, Ashlynn Etheredge, flute, 7th Grade, Rayna Foster, clarinet, 8th Grade
*Rayna Foster, Brody Hinson, Knox McBrayer - 1st Chair Region Three, Ashlynn Etheredge - 3rd Chair Region Three
*Anna Burris
Asher McCrorey
Indoor Percussion
*3rd Place Music - CWEA Rock Hill HS
*Finished 4th Place - CWEA Class PSN
*1st Place - CWEA - River Bluff - Class PSCN
*1st Place - CWEA - Indian Land - Class PSCN
*1st Place - CWEA - Easley - Class PSCN
*1st Place - CWES - Winthrop University - Class PSCN
*CHAMPIONS gold medalist - 1st Place CWEA (1st in school history)
*Promoted to class PSCA
*3rd Pace - CWEA - Indian Land - Class PSCA
1st Place - CWEA Premeire North
Winter Guard
*3rd Place - Carolina Winter Ensemble Association - Indian Land - Class PSN
*1st Place Equipment, 2nd Place Movement - Rock Hill - Class PSN
*BRONZE medalist - 3rd Place CWEA (1st in school history)
*Lewisville Middle School Cub Cadets inaugural year
1st Place CWEA Premeire South
Jazz Band
*2023 High School Jazz Band - 1st time participating in the South Carolina Band Directors Association Jazz Performance Assessment at Newberry College
*2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - EXCELLENT rating
*2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - Best Soloist: Ben Phillips
*2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LMS - SUPERIOR rating
*2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LMS - Best Soloist: Ashlynn Etheredge
*LMS Jazz Band - Chester County School District Board Meeting performance
*Combined Jazz Band invited to perform for the CCSD Support Staff Recognition (2023, 2024)
*2024 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - EXCELLENT rating
*2024 Jazz Performance Assessment Best Soloist - Brody Hinson
*2024 Jazz Performance Asesssment LMS - SUPERIOR rating
*2024 Jazz Performance Asesssment Best Soloist - Anna Burris
*2024 USC Girl's Jazz Day participation
*2024 USC Jazz Fesival -Best Soloist (Anna Burris -LMS), (Devaughn Robinson - LHS)
*Brody Hinson - piano - first LHS Student to audition for the SCBDA All-State Jazz Band
*2024 Guest Performers with the USC Swing Shift Band
*2025 Essential Ellington Southeast Jazz Festival hosted by the University of South Carolina: Best soloist: Brody Hinson, Devaughn Robinson, Melody Yon; Best Section: Trumpets
Honor Band Clinics
*2021 Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic: Margo Jackson, Gavin Morrison, Jessica McAulay
*2021 Limestone University Honor Band Clinic - Rayna Foster, Ashlynn Etheredge, Knox McBrayer, Kaylee Minard, Joseph Hinson, Ansley Cassels, Autumn Burch, Samantha Applegate, Page McWhirter
*2022 Limestone University HS Honor Band: Jackson Hollis, Alicey Yang, Colin Reilly
*2022 University of South Carolina Honor Band: Jessica McAulay, Margo Jackson, Vinny Yang, Gavin Morrison, Jackson, Hollis
*2022 University of Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic: Jessica McAulay, Adrianna Lechzier
*2022 Limestone University MS Honor Band Clinic: Knox McBrayer, Tristan Featherstone, Christian Featherstone, Dominic Garcia, DJ Dawkins, Ashlynn Etheredge, Emily Craig, Madison Garcia, Anna Burris, Asher McCrorey
*2023 University of Georgia Honor Band: Rayna Foster (HS), Knox McBrayer (MS)
*2023 Limestone University HS Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Alexus Tindell, Sam Crouch, Rayna Foster, Sam Burris, Page McWhirter, Lacie Levister, Kaylee Minard
*2023 University of South Carolina Honor Band Clinic: Jessica McAulay, Cassie Box, Brody Hinson
*2023 University of South Carolina Girls Jazz Day: Ansley Cassels, Jessica McAulay, Rayna Foster, Kaleigh Sheets, Kaylee Minard, Anna Burris, Cassie Box, Autumn Burch
*2023 Winthrop University Invitational Band Clinis: Knox McBrayer, Rayna Foster
*2024 Limestone University Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Devaughn Robinson, Page McWhirter, Joseph Hinson, Chief Cabbagestalk, Jacob Duffen, Ryan Duffen, Asher McCrorey, Dominic Garcia, Ashlynn Etheredge, Alexus Tinell, Kaylee Minard
*2024 Winthrop Invitation Band Clinic: Brody Hinson and Asher McCrorey
*2025 USC Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Asher McCrorey, Knox McBrayer, and Devaughn Robinson
Band/Music Scholarships
Margo Jackson - Anderson University
Jessica McAulay - Liberty University
Ben Phillips - Winthrop University - Guitar/Jazz
John Philip Sousa Award
2021 - Margo Jackson
2022 - Jessica McAulay
2023 - Joseph Hinson
2024 - Devaughn Robinson
Louis Armstrong Award
2021 - Ben Philips
2022 - Margo Jackson
2023 - Ben Philips
2024 - Brody Hinson
Director’s Award
2021 - NA
2022 - Gavin Morrison
2023 - Abby Carter
2024 - Kaylee Minard
Mitch Hopper Legacy Award
2022 - Margo Jackson
2023 - Jessica McAulay
2024 - no seniors
Our goals are to provide our Lewisville Band students:
a safe learning environment
a fun and rewarding experience
encouragement and support
a place to nurture one's musical abilities
a venue for fostering self discipline, organization, leadership, commitment, dedication, and teamwork.