Up Coming Events

Up Coming Events


Saturday, 1st - CWEA Indoor @ Catawba Ridge


Monday, 3rd - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals

Tuesday, 4th - Jazz Band Rehearsals

Wednesday, 5th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals

Thursday, 6th - Jazz Band Rehearsals

Thursday, 6th-Saturday, 8th - SCMEA Conference


Monday, 10th - Spring Concert Band - Black History Program

Monday, 10th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals

Tuesday, 11th - LHS Jazz Band - Black History Program Performance

Tuesday, 11th - Jazz Band Rehearsals

Wednesday, 12th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsals

Friday, 14th-Sunday, 16th - USC Honor Band Clinic


Monday, 17-Friday, 21st - INTERCESSION

Thursday, 20th - USC Jazz Festival

Friday, 21st-Saturday, 22nd - Region Band


Monday, 24th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Tuesday, 25th - Jazz Band Rehearsals

Wednesday, 26th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Thursday, 27th - Jazz Band Rehearsals



Saturday, 1st - SCBDA JPA (Middle and High School Jazz Bands)


Monday, 3rd - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Tuesday, 4th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal

Wednesday, 5th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Saturday, 8th - CWEA Indian Land (Guard and Percussion)


Monday, 10th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Tuesday, 11th - 6th Grade Concert @ 6:30

Wednesday, 12th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion RehearsalThursday, 13th

Saturday, 15th - CWEA Ninty-Six (Guard and Percussion)


Monday, 17th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Tuesday, 18th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal

Wednesday, 19th - Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Friday, 21st - CWEA Guard Championships

Saturday, 22nd - CWEA Rock Hill (Percussion)


Monday, 24th - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Tuesday, 25th - Middle School CPA @ Fort Mill

Tuesday, 25th - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal

Wednesday, 26th - High School CPA @ Fort Mill


Monday, 31st - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal


Tuesday, 1st - LHS Jazz Band Rehearsal

Wednesday, 2nd - Indoor Percussion Rehearsal

Saturday, 5th - CWEA Percussion Championships (Dorman)


Monday, 7th

Tuesday, 8th

Wednesday, 9th

Thursday, 10th

Friday, 11th

Saturday, 12th


Monday, 14th

Tuesday, 15th

Wednesday, 16th

Thursday, 17th - Carowinds 6th Grade

Friday, 18th

Saturday, 19th


Saturday, 26th - SCBDA Solo and Ensemble

Tuesday, 29th - Chester County Honor Band/Arts Showcase



May 1st-3rd - Universal Studios, Orlando Florida

May 6th - Teacher Appreciation (Jazz Band)

 Lewisville Bands

  • Lewisville Bands offer an extensive and comprehensive band program.

    Academic Band:

    • 6th Grade Beginning Band

    • 7th Grade Intermediate Band

    • 8th Grade Concert Band

    • Middle School CPA Band (Honor Band)

    • High School Fall Concert Band

    • High School Spring Concert Band

    Extracurricular Band:

    • Marching Lions

    • Indoor Percussion

    • Winter Guard

    • Middle School Jazz Band

    • High School Jazz Band (Blue Cat Jazz)

    • Drumline

    • Brass Ensemble

  • Lewisville Bands are very active with the South Carolina Band Directors Association:

    • All-State/Region Band

    • Concert Performance Assessment

    • Jazz Performance Assessment

    • Solo and Ensemble Festival

    Students are also given the opportunity to participate in university and college programs as well:

    • Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic

    • University of South Carolina Honor Band Clinic

    • University of South Carolina Girl’s Jazz Day

    • Limestone University Middle and High School Honor Band

    • University of Georgia Jan Fest

    • University of South Carolina Band Day (Marching)

  • Marching Band

    *2021 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands; Best Colorguard

    *2021 3rd Place - White Knoll Tournament of Bands

    *2021 Blythewood Tournament - 3rd Place

    *2021 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists

    *2022 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands

    *2022 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists

    *2022 3rd Place C Phillip McIntyre Tournament of Bands

    *2023 2nd Place Overall- Olde English Festival of Bands

    *2023 2nd Place Overall - Fin Fest Tournament of Bands (2nd Place Guard, 2nd Place Percussion)

    *2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association 1A Marching Band State Finalists

    *2024 Henry Laurens Invitational SUPERIOR Percussion and Guard

    *2024 Carolina Forest Coastal Classic: 1st Place Overall, 1st Place Percussion, 1st Place Color Guard, 1st Place Music, 1st Place GE, 2nd Place Visual

    Concert Band

    *2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - High School Wind Ensemble - EXCELLENT rating

    First High School-Only participants for a CPA Performance since 2011

    *2023 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - Middle School Concert Band - EXCELLENT rating

    *2023 Lewisville Wind Ensemble (7th-12th) - Music in the Parks Festival - Pigeon Forge, TN - Excellent rating, 2nd Place - High School Division

    *2023 LMS and LHS Bands - Chester County Honor Band (Arts Showcase)

    *2024 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - High School Wind Ensemble - EXCELLENT rating

    *2024 South Carolina Band Directors Association Concert Performance Assessment - Middle School Concert Band - EXCELLENT rating

    *2024 Chester County Honor Band participants

    Solo and Ensemble Festival


    *Rayna Foster - SUPERIOR rating with Distinction (30/30) , Jessica McAulay - SUPERIOR rating (29/30), Brody Hinson - SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Abby Carter - SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Lewisville Chamber Ensemble - Large Ensemble (A Tindell, R Foster, A Cassels, A Etheredge, D Robinson, A Burris, P McWhirter, S Burris, K McBrayer, K Minard) -SUPERIOR rating (28/30), Kaylee Minard - SUPERIOR rating (27/30), Cassie Box - EXCELLENT RATING rating (24/30), Jessica McAulay and Cassie Box - EXCELLENT rating (23/30), Sam Crouch - EXCELLENT rating (23/30), Cassie Box and Lacie Levister - EXCELLENT rating (22/30), Kaylee Minard and Catie Carter - EXCELLENT rating (21/30)


    Rayna Foster - clarinet solo - SUPERIOR rating *with Distinction Perfect Score (2 consecutive years), Brody Hinson - flute solo - SUPERIOR rating , Asher McCrorey - flute solo - SUPERIOR rating, Neely Simpson - clarinet solo - SUPERIOR rating , Ansley Cassels - alto saxophone solo - SUPERIOR rating, Kaylee Minard - marimba solo -SUPERIOR rating, Knox McBrayer & Ansley Cassels - mixed duet - SUPERIOR rating, Page McWhirter & Anna Burris - trumpet duet - SUPERIOR rating, Neely Simpson & Serina Sizemore - woodwind duet - EXCELLENT rating, [Ensemble 1]Brody Hinson, Abby Carter, Rayna Foster, Ryan Duffen, Devaughn Robinson, Amare Wilks, Jacob Duffen - SUPERIOR rating, [Ensemble 2] Rayna Foster, Alexus Tindell, Emily Hinson, Ashlynn Etheredge, Knox McBrayer, Ryan Duffen - EXCELLENT rating

    Mixed Trio – Jayla Ledford, Viviana Thiele, Brooklyn Bright – excellent rating, Duet – Nolan Pace and Tyler Pace – excellent rating (half a point away from a superior), Solo – Annabella Carr – superior rating, Solo – Kensey King - superior rating, Solo – Melody Yon - superior rating, Solo – Bre Schaffer - superior rating, Solo – Amelia Peoples - superior rating, Mixed Large Ensemble – Amelia Peoples, Bre Schaffer, Kensey King, Brooklyn Osborne, Charlie Sims, Caliapi Thiele, Zion Price, Carson Jackson - superior rating, Mixed Trio – Madison Garcia, Melody Yon, Saria Lewis - superior rating, Solo – Anna Burris - superior rating, Brass Quartet – Xavier Windham, Tyler Sloop, Sullivan Shive, Fenix Rivers – excellent rating

    Region Band


    Margo Jackson (All-State callback), trumpet, 12th Grade, Knox McBrayer (All-State callback), trombone, 7th Grade, Ashlynn Etheredge, flute, 7th Grade, Rayna Foster, clarinet, 8th Grade


    *Rayna Foster, Brody Hinson, Knox McBrayer - 1st Chair Region Three, Ashlynn Etheredge - 3rd Chair Region Three


    *Anna Burris


    Asher McCrorey

    Indoor Percussion


    *3rd Place Music - CWEA Rock Hill HS

    *Finished 4th Place - CWEA Class PSN



    *1st Place - CWEA - River Bluff - Class PSCN

    *1st Place - CWEA - Indian Land - Class PSCN

    *1st Place - CWEA - Easley - Class PSCN

    *1st Place - CWES - Winthrop University - Class PSCN

    *CHAMPIONS gold medalist - 1st Place CWEA (1st in school history)


    *Promoted to class PSCA

    *3rd Pace - CWEA - Indian Land - Class PSCA


    1st Place - CWEA Premeire North

    Winter Guard


    *3rd Place - Carolina Winter Ensemble Association - Indian Land - Class PSN

    *1st Place Equipment, 2nd Place Movement - Rock Hill - Class PSN

    *BRONZE medalist - 3rd Place CWEA (1st in school history)


    *Lewisville Middle School Cub Cadets inaugural year


    1st Place CWEA Premeire South

    Jazz Band

    *2023 High School Jazz Band - 1st time participating in the South Carolina Band Directors Association Jazz Performance Assessment at Newberry College

    *2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - EXCELLENT rating

    *2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - Best Soloist: Ben Phillips

    *2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LMS - SUPERIOR rating

    *2023 Jazz Performance Assessment LMS - Best Soloist: Ashlynn Etheredge

    *LMS Jazz Band - Chester County School District Board Meeting performance

    *Combined Jazz Band invited to perform for the CCSD Support Staff Recognition (2023, 2024)


    *2024 Jazz Performance Assessment LHS - EXCELLENT rating

    *2024 Jazz Performance Assessment Best Soloist - Brody Hinson

    *2024 Jazz Performance Asesssment LMS - SUPERIOR rating

    *2024 Jazz Performance Asesssment Best Soloist - Anna Burris

    *2024 USC Girl's Jazz Day participation

    *2024 USC Jazz Fesival -Best Soloist (Anna Burris -LMS), (Devaughn Robinson - LHS)

    *Brody Hinson - piano - first LHS Student to audition for the SCBDA All-State Jazz Band

    *2024 Guest Performers with the USC Swing Shift Band

    *2025 Essential Ellington Southeast Jazz Festival hosted by the University of South Carolina: Best soloist: Brody Hinson, Devaughn Robinson, Melody Yon; Best Section: Trumpets

    Honor Band Clinics

    *2021 Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic: Margo Jackson, Gavin Morrison, Jessica McAulay

    *2021 Limestone University Honor Band Clinic - Rayna Foster, Ashlynn Etheredge, Knox McBrayer, Kaylee Minard, Joseph Hinson, Ansley Cassels, Autumn Burch, Samantha Applegate, Page McWhirter

    *2022 Limestone University HS Honor Band: Jackson Hollis, Alicey Yang, Colin Reilly

    *2022 University of South Carolina Honor Band: Jessica McAulay, Margo Jackson, Vinny Yang, Gavin Morrison, Jackson, Hollis


    *2022 University of Winthrop Invitational Band Clinic: Jessica McAulay, Adrianna Lechzier

    *2022 Limestone University MS Honor Band Clinic: Knox McBrayer, Tristan Featherstone, Christian Featherstone, Dominic Garcia, DJ Dawkins, Ashlynn Etheredge, Emily Craig, Madison Garcia, Anna Burris, Asher McCrorey

    *2023 University of Georgia Honor Band: Rayna Foster (HS), Knox McBrayer (MS)

    *2023 Limestone University HS Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Alexus Tindell, Sam Crouch, Rayna Foster, Sam Burris, Page McWhirter, Lacie Levister, Kaylee Minard

    *2023 University of South Carolina Honor Band Clinic: Jessica McAulay, Cassie Box, Brody Hinson

    *2023 University of South Carolina Girls Jazz Day: Ansley Cassels, Jessica McAulay, Rayna Foster, Kaleigh Sheets, Kaylee Minard, Anna Burris, Cassie Box, Autumn Burch

    *2023 Winthrop University Invitational Band Clinis: Knox McBrayer, Rayna Foster

    *2024 Limestone University Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Devaughn Robinson, Page McWhirter, Joseph Hinson, Chief Cabbagestalk, Jacob Duffen, Ryan Duffen, Asher McCrorey, Dominic Garcia, Ashlynn Etheredge, Alexus Tinell, Kaylee Minard

    *2024 Winthrop Invitation Band Clinic: Brody Hinson and Asher McCrorey

    *2025 USC Honor Band Clinic: Brody Hinson, Asher McCrorey, Knox McBrayer, and Devaughn Robinson

    Band/Music Scholarships


    Margo Jackson - Anderson University


    Jessica McAulay - Liberty University

    Ben Phillips - Winthrop University - Guitar/Jazz

    John Philip Sousa Award

    2021 - Margo Jackson

    2022 - Jessica McAulay

    2023 - Joseph Hinson

    2024 - Devaughn Robinson

    Louis Armstrong Award

    2021 - Ben Philips

    2022 - Margo Jackson

    2023 - Ben Philips

    2024 - Brody Hinson

    Director’s Award

    2021 - NA

    2022 - Gavin Morrison

    2023 - Abby Carter

    2024 - Kaylee Minard

    Mitch Hopper Legacy Award

    2022 - Margo Jackson

    2023 - Jessica McAulay

    2024 - no seniors

  • Our goals are to provide our Lewisville Band students:

    • a safe learning environment

    • a fun and rewarding experience

    • encouragement and support

    • a place to nurture one's musical abilities

    • a venue for fostering self discipline, organization, leadership, commitment, dedication, and teamwork.